
Marriage? On CorbaWorld?

Yes!, On CorbaWorld players have the option to marry another player, gaining cool commands and a Heart next to their username in chat.

Do I need to be a donator to marry?

Yes and No, in order for two players to marry one another, only one player needs to have a donator rank. Which means that if you would like to marry a friend who does not have a donator rank you can do so. With this in mind, in order to gain all of the cool commands you must be a donator.

How can I marry another Player?

In order for you to marry another player you must find a "Priest". Anyone with the rank Obsidian+ has this role as a priest. All you need to do is ask for them to marry you and another player. You will see a command request in chat asking for you to /marry accept. Once both players do this command you will now be officially married.

What if I want to divorce the player i'm with?

In order to do this, all you need to do is /marry divorce. Once done, you will no longer be married to this player.

So what can I actually do once I am married?

There are plenty of commands for married players. These are the following:

  • /Marry list - Shows a list of all married players.

  • /Marry Listpriests - Shows a list of all available priests online.

  • /Marry Divorce - Divorces you from the current player you are married too.

  • /Marry Sethome - Sets a home for you and your partner to share.

  • /Marry delhome - Removes the home which you or your partner have set.

  • /Marry home - Teleports you to your marriage sethome.

  • /Marry seen - Allows you to see when your partner was last online.

  • /Marry tp - Allows you to teleport to your partner. (Note this is only available for donators)

  • /Marry gift - Sends a gift to your partner. (Note this is only available for donators)

  • /Marry setcolor - Allows for you to change the heart color in /marry list. (Note this is only available for donators)

  • /Marry hug - Sends a hug to your partner. (Note this is only available for donators)

  • /Marry kiss - Sends a kiss with particles to your partner. (Note this is only available for donators)

Last updated